Tuesday, January 8, 2019

With You

This is my visual image of peace and quiet. Whenever I have to picture a sanctuary when meditating this is what comes to my mind. Photo taken in Bontoc, Mountain Province back when I went on a silent retreat years ago.

Finally everything's quiet, calm and simple
With you everything's sure
Because you are consistent
With you the timing's always perfect
All other reasons seem irrelevant
With you everything remains exciting
It is always an adventure in your presence
In your presence everything seems fine
In your presence nothing really matters much but just you loving me

In your love I can be free
In your love I can choose the life that I want
In your love I am accepted amidst, inspite and despite of who I am
In your love I never have to second guess
In your love I am always secured

And everything aside from your love will always be second-rate

Your love is the only love that can satisfy the deepest void and hunger in my longing heart

Not because that I love you but because you are always the first one initiating this love
the one who is always constant
the one who still loves no matter what
the one whose love is promised to never end
whose love is tangible and real
whose love is true

Lord, it is only with You

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