Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Pursuit of Creativity

The Pursuit of Creativity: A Call to Arms 
So why do we stop doing something we once held so dear? Maybe we stopped loving it. Maybe the creative process brought too much sadness or we stopped making time for it. Maybe your work was judged by someone in a negative light. Art is subjective after all, yet it still stings when someone doesn’t love it like we do.
Whatever the reason, if you loved being creative, if it once fulfilled your soul – how about bringing it back?
Though I did not really stop making art, I think after graduation from college my pace of discovering and creating dropped a notch lower. Corporate world has it's way of organizing and standardizing things, but then I realized that this should not stop you at all from being creative.

I realized too that everyday things will really lose it's magic if we stop searching for creative ways to spend it. When I stopped recording, blogging and sketching, life really became plain. I always wanted to start painting again, to start doing my own projects, to make crafts and fun things. 

So this blog is my take in following a creative path. Even though I'm doing something in line with art for a living, actually I still haven't figured out what I really want. But I know that I will always long to create and express, so that's where I'll start. 

Maybe God instilled creativity in me because I have to do things in an exciting way. And while I'm discovering what God prepared for me, I should be a responsible steward of His gifts and that I should exercise this more often. So my new blogger account will be my record in my pursuit of creativity! <3


My not so new sketchpad, a book I really wanted but can't seem 
to move forward from chapter 2 and my still not filled pastoral journal.

I think I have this new-notebook-first page syndrome. I fall in love easily with fresh new things but after the first few pages I tend to stop and just store them, no matter how much I wanted it before acquiring it. 

And here again, a new blog site which I hope would not be hit by my new-notebook-syndrome. I hope to keep up with it, as a record and platform of daily thoughts and dump site of future artworks. Here's to starting and sticking to a new blog for my 2nd decade of existence! *Confetti*

Along with this new blogger account, I swear to faithfully give time for my sketch pad, finish the book and record in my journal too. Yey for another journey to living, expressing and recording creatively! :)